Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Tunnel: 1993

Yesterday I finished my short story, The Tunnel: 1993 and ordered five paperback copies in full color from Including the covers and inside covers, the book is 40 pages. This was a very fun project but very time consuming. Below is the PDF of the covers and the 36 page interior.

I can't wait to see everyone's stuff! I would love to get feedback from everyone and tomorrow I plan on writing comments for everybody that has theirs uploaded. Looking forward to it!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New ZINE!!!

For this zine I used a little more than 1/4th of the pages that I will use for the small book I'm getting made using I distributed this zine to a few of my friends and family members by mail and exchange of hand. Everyone enjoyed my zine but they all had similar feelings that I do: it wasn't cropped correcly on all of the pages and it would've been easier to see the details in the illustrations if it had been printed in color. But everybody thought the zine was a bit of funny and gritty Americana, both things I was shooting for. For the zine that Lulu is making for me, I will distribute it using Quimby's so I can get more out there to others. For Book #1, it will be 40 pages long and full color.